
Tuesday, 9 June 2015

2. Golden Rhenania

On 17th May I was at the 2. Golden Rhenania meet-up in Neuss. We went to a flea  market, which was held near the racecourse for horses. The flea market it self was intersting and the other girls found some really nice stuff. I wasn't in the mood of buying anything and the clothes i liked were too expensive. So I didn't buy anything, but I am really happy for the others.
As the flea market was a lot smaller than we expected, we were through far too early. That's why we headed over to the racecourse and took a lot of photos. Even silly ones. For me mostly silly ones. I wore old-school sweet lolita that day and I don't know how to pose in it.

©sira Wush!
The location was perfect for Classic Lolita. Too bad, it wasn't wearing it.

Afterwards we went to a restaurant called the "Spaghetti Haus", there you can order various pasta dishes, pizza and some other Italian food. I ordered pasta due to the name of course. It was very delicious. We chatted a lot. It was beautiful day and I had a lot of fun. I hope we can have such relaxed meet-ups more often.  (If I had time for it ;-) )

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